Navarro County Pecan Grading Demonstration & Conference

Corsicana Library Conference Room
December 2, 2009 - 1pm to 3pm
2 CEU’s (1 IPM and 1 General)
Participants will learn how to grade pecans for sale based upon the standards by which buyers set the price on marketable pecans.
Who is Eligible: Commercial growers, orchard managers and homeowners
Entry Limit: Limit one entry per variety per participant. Enter as many varieties, seedlings, known hybrids or natives and smallest native as desired. The exhibitor must be the grower. Sample entries from one orchard cannot be entered in two county shows. Pecans should be from Navarro County or adjoining counties which do not have a show.
Entry Size: A minimum of 40 pecans, preferred 42, are necessary for each entry. Sample of 40 should represent the variety and be uniform in size and shell color. * Mixed samples (more than one variety in an entry) will be disqualified.
Selecting Your Entry: The growers may wish to select the heaviest pecans by weighing individual nuts. A varietal entry may be composed of nuts from more than one tree. For example, if the grower has ten Choctaw trees, each tree could contribute nuts to the grower’s one Choctaw entry. Nuts should be without insect and disease damage. The pecans should be free of dust, dirt and shuck remnants. They should not be rubbed to the extent that shape or color is altered. Avoid discolored shells and kernels. This problem may result from peeling pecans from the shucks too early. Pecans exhibited must be from the 2009 crop. Name, Address and Variety should be included with each entry.
Deadline: By Monday, November 30, 5pm to Navarro County Extension office or to Corsicana Public Library on Tuesday by 8:30 am on December 1, 2009
Awards: Ribbons will be awarded at 1 pm on December 2 to the first three entries in each variety. Champions will be named in the Commercial, Classic and Native divisions. Entries and results of the Pecan Grading demonstration will be on display for public viewing on Tuesday, December 2.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AND CEU’S: Following the 1 pm results on December 2, two educational programs will be offered. Dr. Tommy Thompson, USDA Pecan Breeding Specialist will provide a discussion on variety selection, quality and management. Dr. Allen Knutson, Texas AgriLife Extension Entomologist will then provide an update on pest management options for the home and commercial producer.
Corsicana Library Conference Room
December 2, 2009 - 1pm to 3pm
2 CEU’s (1 IPM and 1 General)
Participants will learn how to grade pecans for sale based upon the standards by which buyers set the price on marketable pecans.
Who is Eligible: Commercial growers, orchard managers and homeowners
Entry Limit: Limit one entry per variety per participant. Enter as many varieties, seedlings, known hybrids or natives and smallest native as desired. The exhibitor must be the grower. Sample entries from one orchard cannot be entered in two county shows. Pecans should be from Navarro County or adjoining counties which do not have a show.
Entry Size: A minimum of 40 pecans, preferred 42, are necessary for each entry. Sample of 40 should represent the variety and be uniform in size and shell color. * Mixed samples (more than one variety in an entry) will be disqualified.
Selecting Your Entry: The growers may wish to select the heaviest pecans by weighing individual nuts. A varietal entry may be composed of nuts from more than one tree. For example, if the grower has ten Choctaw trees, each tree could contribute nuts to the grower’s one Choctaw entry. Nuts should be without insect and disease damage. The pecans should be free of dust, dirt and shuck remnants. They should not be rubbed to the extent that shape or color is altered. Avoid discolored shells and kernels. This problem may result from peeling pecans from the shucks too early. Pecans exhibited must be from the 2009 crop. Name, Address and Variety should be included with each entry.
Deadline: By Monday, November 30, 5pm to Navarro County Extension office or to Corsicana Public Library on Tuesday by 8:30 am on December 1, 2009
Awards: Ribbons will be awarded at 1 pm on December 2 to the first three entries in each variety. Champions will be named in the Commercial, Classic and Native divisions. Entries and results of the Pecan Grading demonstration will be on display for public viewing on Tuesday, December 2.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AND CEU’S: Following the 1 pm results on December 2, two educational programs will be offered. Dr. Tommy Thompson, USDA Pecan Breeding Specialist will provide a discussion on variety selection, quality and management. Dr. Allen Knutson, Texas AgriLife Extension Entomologist will then provide an update on pest management options for the home and commercial producer.