County Wheat and Oat Demonstration Plot Yields Are In!
One of the pillars of Texas AgriLife Extension Service programming is field demonstrations that show results. This goes back to the old adage, “Don’t just tell me, show me!”. One of the types of demonstrations that are regularly conducted in Navarro County are variety trials that provide unbiased yield data on certain crops in order to assist producers in selecting the most productive and disease resistant variety for the following year. Today I want to share information and results on our recently harvested wheat and oat demonstration plots.
The wheat variety demonstration was planted with Caleb and Josh Martin in Frost, TX on October 27, 2008 using a John Deere 8300 drill planting at 95 pounds per acre following corn. Fertilizer applications included 100 pounds of 18-46-0 on October 24, 2008 and later topdressed with 350 pounds of 32-0-0. Pest management was accomplished using Lorsban and 2,4-D. For the hard varieties the plots average 64.3 bushels per acre (bu/ac) with Duster having the highest yield with 78.3 bu/ac followed by Fuller at 75.4 bu/ac and Jackpot at 73.8 bu/ac. TAM401 yielded 65.6 bu/ac followed by TAM203 at 65.3 bu/ac and Coronado at 58.6 bu/ac. The bottom two hard varieties were TAM304 at 39.9 bu/ac and Fannin at 39.9 bu/ac. For the soft varieties the plots averaged 54.7 bu/ac with USD 3295 having the highest yield with 84.0 bu/ac followed by Coker 9553 at 61.8 bu/ac followed by LA841 at 55.4 bu/ac. The three lowest yields were Crawford at 46.3 bu/ac, Coker 9700 at 41.8 bu/ac and Heavy Grazer at 38.7 bu/ac. The location of these plots allowed for avoidance of frost damage that severely affected many wheat acres in the county this year. The yields are not adjusted for moisture due technical difficulties with the moisture tester. Thanks to Caleb and Josh Martin for planting and harvesting the 2009 Navarro County wheat variety demonstration.
The oat variety demonstration was planted with the Reed family in Barry, TX on November 20, 2008 u sing a Great Plains Solid Stand 13 Drill at 95 pounds per acre following soybeans. Fertilizer applications included 200 pounds of 32-0-0 and 50 pounds of 18-46-0. The average yield was 87.5 bu/ac with Horizon 201 having the highest yield of 110.0 bu/ac followed by TAMO406 at 95.9 bu/ac and TX7682 at 93.8 bu/ac. The bottom four yields were TX 7473 at 86.7 bu/ac, Horizon 314 at 84.5 bu/ac, TAMO405 at 74.6 bu/ac and TAMO606 at 67.4 bu/ac. All yields were adjusted to 13% moisture for comparison. Thanks to Joe, Scott, Jacob, Russell and Pat Reed for planting the 2009 Navarro County oat variety demonstration. Also thanks to Brandon and Zane Nicholson of Barry for providing the combine to harvest the oat plots and to Dekalb for the use of the weigh wagon used for both wheat and oat plots.