Texas Tech University's Cotton Economics Research Institute (CERI)has developed a computer calculator that compares the ACRE program to the historical payments from Counter-Cyclical Payments for cotton. According to the Volume 11. No. 2 Edition of the CERI Newsletter, "The website based calculator allows Texas row crop producers to enter their own individual farm data and compare their historical outcomes under the existing counter-cyclical payment (CCP) program and the Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) program alternative. The results of calculations are based on historical data and are not projections of future outcomes". This tool should be extremely handy for cotton producers who will be trying to make a decision about going into the new ACRE program or remaining in the CCP.
To find the calculator online go to http://www.aaec.ttu.edu/webapps/acre/index.htm and register. Information is confidential.

Picture by Derek Scasta